Dear members of EASA,
You are hereby summoned to the Annual Election Meeting of the East Asia Student Association Lund. The meeting will be held on 11 May 2021 at 18.00, through the following Zoom-link: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/67729210228.
The meeting is open to the public and all members who have been registered no later than 27 April will have the right to vote.
The meeting will handle the following matters:
– Election of the Board of 2021/2022
– Election of Auditor(s)
Information about the Election:
Only a full member, nominated by the Election Committee or registered as a counter candidate, can be elected board member or deputy board member. Vacant positions do not need registration before the election meeting. The positions of President, Vice President, and Treasurer cannot be held by the same individual.
The meeting agenda can be found below. During the meeting the Election Committee presents the nominated candidate for each position. If there are no nominated candidates, the Chair asks if there is anyone who wants to nominate themselves or anyone else during the meeting. The nominated candidate gives a speech of 1-2 minutes, followed by questions from the meeting. The candidate then leaves the room. The meeting votes through acclamation unless a closed ballot is requested.
For any further questions on the election process, how to write a motion or anything else please contact us!
We hope to see many of you at the annual election meeting!
All the best from the EASA Board!