EASA Lund provides opportunities for students at Lund University to gain exciting, fun and valuable work experience. Make sure to apply for the board positions in May, hope to see you soon!
The president is responsible for the strategic work of the association. The president plans and holds board meetings and assists the board by delegating tasks to make sure that the Association is moving forward. Being president means being the leader of the association as well as representing the association, signing contracts and being the financial signatory.
The jack of all trades! The Vice-President is the right hand of the president and assists across the board with what needs to be done. The Vice-President also does the President’s job when the president is not present.
The Secretary is responsible for maintaining documentation (e.g., meeting agendas and protocols) and other administrative work of the board. Some additional tasks include sending out periodic newsletters about EASA’s updates and events. The Secretary also works strategically with the association and can take on additional responsibilities and projects as they wish.
The treasurer is, together with the President and Vice-President, in charge of the budget of the association, handling receipts and other financial work. The Treasurer is also the financial signatory.
The head of events handles the social and cultures activites of EASA, from the smaller mingles to sittnings, to organizing events that promote cultural awareness and understanding of East Asia. They make sure that the members are having fun while learning!
The Head of Lectures organizes lectures, invites speakers, and works with ensuring that EASA covers as many geographical and topical areas as possible in our lectures. The Head of Lecture canvases the active members for lecture suggestions as well as providing their own and goes out and filles the calendar!
Head of External Relation will manage different professional contracts in Asia and relationships with key collaborators and partners. Moreover, you will also be responsible of executing travel activities together with Head of Grants.
As Head of Grants, you will mainly oversee FBA-project activities. Moreover, you will also take part in executing travel activities together with travel coordinators and the Head of External Relations. You also assist the President and Treasurer in the application of grants and finds news grants for the association to apply for. As most grant applications and collaborations are managed in Swedish, this role is best suited for a Swedish speaker, though this is not a requirement.
The Head of Communications manages EASA’s social media profile, marketing strategies, and graphic design. They advise the board on optics and audience for EASA events. They also work with the communications strategy and graphical profile and makes sure events have a photographer.
Head of IT manages the website and handle technical tasks of the organization including consulting the team, identifying and implementing IT solutions to support and improve the association. The person will be working closely with the Head of Strategic Communciation.